A new leaf...

Kia ora koutou. My name is Sarah and I am absolutely privileged to have been the team coach of Hamlin Road Organic Farm in the heart of rural South Auckland, for the last eight years.

You may or may not have heard of Hamlin Road Organic Farm or know what makes us so much more than ‘just another organic farm’. Through my Let's Talk Organic with Sarah blog I’ll be sharing much more about this incredible place, its inspiring people and the wonderful outcomes it achieves.

For now, to give you a bit of background… Hamlin Road Farm started with a piece of land acquired by Pathways in 2002, a dream, and an entire community’s vision for how the land could be used to grow not just produce, but people as well.

Pathways’ dream is to transform mental health and addictions through fostering strong, compassionate, self-supporting communities. Hamlin Road Organic Farm is a living example of this dream in practice.

For almost 20 years, Hamlin Road Organic Farm has been supporting people with mental health challenges to gain valuable paid work experience, learn skills, gain qualifications and build confidence while they prepare for permanent employment elsewhere. In short, it’s been change lives…

I am beyond excited to be able to share with you the next evolution of our wonderful farm. This week we have launched our beautiful new logo. Created around the concept of a sheltered seedling this new logo and brand now embodies so much more of our heart and our purpose.

The inspiration behind the brand – The sheltered seedling

A seedling is a beautiful metaphor for growth, potential, and a new beginning. The circle around it reflects the shelter Hamlin Road Organic Farm provides, for both its people and its plants.

We have also now created a new website which includes an online shop, where we can showcase our fresh and nutritious produce (as well as our inspirational stories) and hopefully share our goodness with so many more of you. I love the fact that our transformation has been happening over Matariki (Māori new year), a time of renewal and celebration in Aotearoa, a time to gather with family and friends to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. It just feels so right…

I can’t wait to share our journey with you.

Ngā mihi nui
